| Research and Technologies for Future Particle Physics Experiments

Conference proceedings

Research and Technologies for Future Particle Physics Experiments

Conference proceedings

SPIN 2021, virtual

PANIC 2021, virtual

EPS-HEP 2021, virtual

LCWS 2021, virtual

ICHEP 2020, Prague (virtual)

LCWS 2019, Sendai

LeptonPhoton 2019

LCWS 2018, Arlington

ICHEP 2018

LCWS 2017, Strasbourg

EPS-HEP 2017

ICHEP 2016

ICHEP 2014

M. Berggren, S.-L. Lehtinen, J. List: Dark matter relic density from observations of supersymmetry at the ILC. LCWS15, Whistler. arXiv:1602.08439 [hep-ph]

M.Berggren: SUSY precision spectroscopy and parameter determination at the ILC, PoS EPS-HEP2013, 033

G. Moortgat-Pick et al: Helmholtz Aliance Linear Collider Forum: Proceedings of the Workshops Hamburg, Munich, Hamburg 2010-2012, Germany.

LCWS 2011, Granada

LCWS 2010, Beijing

K. Wichmann: Study of SUSY particles properties at the future International Linear Collider with the International Large Detector concept, PoS EPS-HEP2009 (2009) 227.

LCWS 2008, Chicago

LCWS 2007, Hamburg

J. List: Physics at the International Linear Collider, hep-ex/0605087.